Problemet med AI-kunst

Yellow tent under a night sky with thousands of stars

Kunstig intelligens har revolusjonert den digitale verden, og nå er det mange kunstnere som spør seg om de blir et offer for denne revolusjonen. Men kan AI-generert kunst virkelig erstatte dagens kunstnere?  I 2022 vant spillutvikler Jason Allen førsteplassen i en kunstkonkurranse ved Colorado State Fair, med et AI-generert verk: Théâtre D’Opéra Spatial av Jason […]


pocket watch in sand

Do you tend to postpone large tasks? Is there a project you know you need to get started on, but never seem to get going? Do you lack motivation to complete projects? You are likely struggling with procrastination, which can easily be translated into one word: later.

Artistic hypocracy

Most artists are familiar with receiving little to no payment for their services. And while there are, of course, several complicated reasons for this, what happens when you are deprived of reasonable payment from people who claim they want to help artists?

Moral attitude in culture

Colourful hands reaching behind barbed wire

The Oslo Academy of the Arts (KHiO) is in bad weather after activists studying at the school have attacked the development of a moral identity policy that threatens academic freedom. Frustrated gallery owners have to deal with hypersensitive artists who cannot stand to be rejected, and several Facebook groups are now closed for constructive criticism. What's really going on with our fine artist community these days?